Thursday, June 30, 2005

Steiner schools 'could help all'

How long will it take for the world to catch up?

On the semi-recurrent theme of "Independent Means Independent" I heard an item on the radio, of which this is the BBC News article:

BBC NEWS UK Education Steiner schools 'could help all'

It is heartening to realise, even with the constraints of our schools as a business enterprise, that our colleagues within the diverse world of Independent schools can continue to work for positive change, influencing mainstream views of education.

Good on you Rudolf!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Skype - The whole world can talk for free.


As a committed 21st century online technology lover I have to stay true to the altruistic philosophy of weblogging and share some amazing technologies. You may have been reading about some of these, in particular Skype. This is a way of making "phone" calls to computers or even to "traditional" phone lines or mobiles. Just read the site & I'm certain that you'd be intrigued enough to give it a try. I'm going to play around with it - so if any one would like to experiment also, just drop a comment on the blog & let me know.

The other "killer application" to emerge is the phenomenon of Podcasting. If you are not aware, this is a method of listening to a wide range of "radio" programmes. Except its not radio, its a way of downloading mp3 (digital audio) files on to your computer and/or iPod - hence the term. What this means is that you can listen to any podcasting broadcaster anytime you want. Yes, this means never having to listen to Terry Wogan in the morning again! No, you can listen to him any time, day or night! Although I don't actually think Tel & the BBC are quite there with podcasting yet, although they are not far off! Why is this worth mentioning. Well, imagine being able to broadcast school news to your community, the children running there own radio station with bulletins about activities, sports, late braking news (cricket club cancelled, etc.), even performances by the school choir! Try this link to Willowcast as an example. Its a 4th & 5th Grade podcast from the US. I personally think it is very, very cool. Getting our pupils to speak to the world? Amazing! It is vey new but seems to have taken off at one heck of a rate. As with skype, if anyone wants to experiment just drop me a line.

Here are some links worth a visit:

Educational Podcast Directory

Podcasting Software

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Lessons in good manners

As we all know, we're at least 20 years behind the Americans...

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Lessons in good manners

Thursday, June 02, 2005

What Is He Up To Now?


A weekly trawl through the Headlines brings this up...

Woodhead Accused of Poaching Pupils For Private Schools

...How is this going to affect people's opinion of the Independent sector?

Then I read this:

He courted controversy two weeks ago when he suggested private schools should refuse to work with struggling state secondary schools. Partnerships between the two sectors were just "propping up a failed system which should be left to fail", he added.

Now, I recall the articles about these comments and I cannot help but think that this attitude is destroying any kind of opportunity for mutual understanding and sharing of knowledge between the two sectors.

Cognita Schools