Thursday, October 26, 2006

Four steps to being chucked on the scrapheap - Four steps to being chucked on the scrapheap

As always - a little sense on our chaotic world & another opportunity to post on the occasional theme of: "Why the Independent Sector is best!"

Reading through the article by Phillip Beadle, above, is once again proof that established & experienced teachers (regardless of the sector in which they work) know how to create learning experiences for their pupils.

Some teachers believe that the four-part lesson plan is a move to
standardise to such an extent that anyone can deliver a lesson. It seeks to
take the element of professional judgment out of teaching, so that it is no
longer a graduate job, and lessons can be delivered by teaching
He goes on to support the valuable work that teaching assistants do. However it highlights the essential freedoms that exisit in the indeepndent sector and how our colleagues in Maintained schools are continually harangued to conform to a model that many know to be unworkable, ineffective and uninspiring for both teacher and learner.

His message - To teach as you are inspired. Communicate with the pupils in a way that delivers your objectives so that they can be remembered and used!

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