Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Learning Brain Conference

Phil Whiston has sent the following information regarding the second Lerning Brain Europe conference.

The Learning Brain Europe Conference
4th – 5th June (Oxford) and 7th – 8th June 2007 (Harrogate)

The Macclesfield and Bollington EIP has sent delegates to the BrainExpo conference in the US for
several years and found it to be a major influence on our drive to develop teachers’
understanding of learning and their ability to create more effective classrooms.

They decided to re-create the BrainExpo experience in the UK, and the first conference was held
in 2005. It was attended by 1300 teachers and feedback was extremely positive. To ensure an
even better experience for 2007, they have invited back some of the most popular speakers with
new presentations, and have added a number of new names. All are renowned for their knowledge and their ability to inspire and motivate."

An important development in British Education & one which Phil is eager to promote through our blogs. So here is my bit to help.

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