Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Are the media finally catching up?

The rise of teachers' blogs News crumb EducationGuardian.co.uk

Its wonderful that the Guardian have published this piece about blogging by teachers. But there is far more to teacher blogging than the "welcome to my world" approach that is discussed here.

The links at the side of this blog testify to the use to which blogging is put in the sharing of information and the spread of ideas. There is too much of the diary-style blogging around, its the sharers like Andy and Doug that need the spotlight.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for mentioning my blog, Neil. The problem is that the traditional media - whether published online or in a newspaper format - are only interested in their angle. Hence exams will always be getting easier, pupils behaviour will always be getting worse, and more teachers than ever before will be leaving the profession.

Blogs like yours and mine, ones which are interested in reforming the education system, don't even feature on their radar... :-(

Neil Jones said...

The veteran Edubloggers - Richardson, Ford, Davies, etc. - have been followed by the more populist style of blogging which is media-friendly, gossipy, red-top! The media always surf just behind the crest of the wave.